Tuesday, March 10


So, I am going to culinary school at the end of the month. My classes start at the Culinary Institute of America in Napa Valley on March 30. The people I speak with on a regular basis should probably already know this (sorry if you don't!). It was a long time coming and a lot of details had to be worked out, but I'm off in 2 1/2 weeks! I'm beyond excited. I won't be gone long, only until about November. Plus, I get a small summer break. I'm doing their baking and pastry program. I plan on logging some of my adventures here. So, I'm thinking I will change my blog around a bit...That should come hopefully in the next couple of weeks. Changes coming soon! yay!


Courtney said...

That is super exciting. Way to go you! I can't wait to see pics of all the extravagant food you will be making. So fun!

Tobler Bunch said...

I am so jealous! How fun!? Do share your life with us...I will be looking forward to reading about your new adventure!