Monday, April 25


I didn't decide to use a French word for my blog title because I'm going to Paris soon (ok, I kind of did), I did it because that's what some of these desserts are called. Oh, you need pronunciation? Ok. "ahn-truh-me"
If you want to hear it, like I usually do, then go here.
We got to make a few of these while I was in school. This particular class was really fun for me. They aren't that easy to make though, with their 5 layers, at least 3 flavors, and 5 textures that theoretically have to be present in order to be call an ahn-truh-me. We also got to explore some unique plated desserts too, like trying to make grapefruit the dominant flavor in a dish. Not that easy my friends. For our final we had to come up with our own entremet completely. And we had to make two of them and they had to be identical. And we had to do it on our own completely. um, yay? Actually I had a really great time. I called it 'Aye, Matey!' It had chocolate cake, mango rum jelly (which isn't the soft kind-it's solid), coconut bavarian cream, cocoa nibs, and chocolate mousse. I froze it and then sprayed chocolate over it as a finish, and it creates a really cool texture. We then had to make our own chocolate decor. I was actually really pleased with how it all turned out. Especially because I didn't have exact recipes for some of the elements and had to experiment along the way. At the end of the class, we got to have a day dedicated to cheese tasting. We tasted some pretty amazing cheeses. Stuff that you can't even pronounce. And from all different kinds of milks too: cow, goat, sheep... oh so stinky and oh so good. Seriously you haven't lived until you've tasted some of the best cheese ever made. The last thing we did in this class was a project that highlighted a different country and some desserts found there. We had Southern France of all places. So basically we just had to find stuff like what we were already doing in the whole program. Other countries were Thailand, Greece, Malaysia, Mexico... Even though my country was completely predictable, we still found some great recipes. Lavender pudding, walnut cake, cognac truffles, honey saffron ice cream, and chataneuf du pape granite all turned out really nice. yum!

L to R: Southern France display, Aye, Matey project, olive oil cake with grapefruit reduction, olive oil mousse, huckleberry gelee with creme fraiche ice cream, pear williams cake, entremet glace (which means it was all ice cream), other classmates' cakes, our cheese day!

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